´¯`•. January 03, 2003

Knowing God

I cheated on my list yesterday.  Somebody (I won’t mention who because she reads me) wrote up a fantastic list, and I printed it off and studied it.  I also printed out my last year’s list and went over that… and did some soul searching.  The result was this year’s list.

This gal had a resolution, though, that really got me thinking.  It was “To learn about God”… and I’ve just given myself away to her ((grins!)) but I really stopped on that one.  Because the way it was worded… it just grabbed me.

I want to know God, too… but do I really want to learn about Him?  You might be surprised at my answer… it’s no.  Why on earth would I say I don’t want to learn about God!?  Good question.

It’s like this:  I believe that the Christian’s goal isn’t to learn about God.  There’s no way we can truly ‘get Him’.  For example, the whole omnipresent thang.  Can we really grasp that He’s everywhere at all times?  He’s with me in my living room listening attentively to my prayers and at the same time with my grandma in her kitchen listening attentively to her prayers an hour’s drive from here.  How freaky is that??  I have a hard enough time listening attentively to one person, let alone imagining doing that for billions in different places all at the same time!!  It boggles the mind.

And that’s just the omnipresent thang!  How about the omniscient thang?  I dunno about you, but can you conceptualize how God could possibly know everything that’s happening, everything that has happened, and everything that will happen? For ETERNITY??? Every gnat hatching, every grey hair popping up?? Nope. Too much information. I’m lucky if I can remember where that verse about ‘rising up on wings as eagles’ is found.  I’m lucky if I see Lydia squatting and straining behind the sofa when she’s laying a poopie.

I believe that God reveals what He wants us to know about Him to us.  And I’m not sure that He gives us much information there, either.  The truth is, He wants us to worship Him because of faith, not because He’s proven Himself.  That’s the beautiful thing about faith.

I also believe that God reveals Himself to us – not when we are ‘trying to learn about Him’, but when we are drawing closer to Him in our commitment to grow.  Does that make sense?  Ok… so if I were to read a book called “This is who God Is“… and I finished it… would I know God?  Or would I know a little bit about God?  And which is more desirable – knowing God or knowing about God?  Something to think about, isn’t it?  Deep thinking, too.

On the other hand, if Christ is God and we are to be like Christ, then wouldn’t we come to know God better by emulating Christ than studying God’s attributes?  Isn’t that what we’ve been given the Holy Spirit for?  So that He can reveal God to/thru and in us?  ((Sorry… I’ve been doing a lot of this questioning in circles lately, haven’t I?  Sounds like one of those ‘if A=B and B=C then A=C problems.))

Now don’t get me wrong – I’m not slamming this gal’s list – it was the best one I saw yesterday, and I think it’s commendable that she has a desire to gain in spiritual areas.  I’m just asking about the whole idea of knowing about God… and how to really know Him.  I’d love to hear your thoughts on this.

UPDATE:  Would you look at the MUfHH entry for today.  It’s about exactly this!!!  ((Is this not rockin!!!!))

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