´¯`•. Story of the World Index


It used to be that my ‘Story of the World’ archive was in the big ‘homeschool’ archive… but then it got SO BIG…!  It needed an index of it’s own!

NoTe:  Some of the pictures are missing.  I’ve had to remove my children’s faces from the blog due to trolls and some ugliness that crossed over from the internet to our real lives… so my apologies on this.

Why you should do TWO SotW books at a time
Chpt 1: The First Nomads
Chpt 2: Egyptian Lapbook
Chpt 3: Cartouches
Chpt 4a: Sugar Cube Pyramid
Chpt 4b: King Zuke’s Mummy
Chpt 5: Sargon of Satan
Chpt 6: Follow the Fertile Crescent
Chpt 7: Laying down the Law
Chpt 8: Gilgamesh & Sons
Chpt 9: Mohenjo-Daro!
Chpt 10: China in the Far East
Chpt 11: Ancient Africa
Chpts 12/13: Back to Egypt
Chpt 14: Go down, Moses
Chpt 15: The Phoenicians
Chpt 16: Assyria Strikes Back!
Chpt 17: Return of Babylon
Chpt 18: Minoan Crete-ings!
Chpt 19: Mycenean Crete-ings!
Chpt 20: Intro to the Greek Gods
Chpt 20a: Ancient Greece Lapbook
Chpt 21: Medes & Persians
Chpt 22: Sparta vs. Athens
Chpt 23: The Gods must be Crazy
Chpt 24: Alexander the Great
Chpt 25: Seven Wonders Lapbook
Chpt 26: West to the Americas
Chpt 27: Toga Time
Chpt 28a: Gladiators!
Chpt 28b: The Roman Road
Chpt 28c: The Art of Architecture
Chpt 28d: Roman Lapbook
Chpt 29: Hannibal’s Elephants
Chpt 30: Siddthara stuff
Chpt 31:  Mauryan Movies 
Chpt 32-33: Chinese Writing
Chpt 34: Rome: Vesuvius/Pompeii
Chpt 35: Rome: Caesar & Cleo
Chpt 36: Rome: Mosaics
Chpt 37: Story of Yeshua
Chpt 38: End of Jewish Nation
Chpt 39: Rome & Christianity
Chpt 40: Rome (Boudicca/ Split)
Chpt 41: Attacking Barbarians!
Chpt 42: The End of Rome
NOTE:  Pinterest links are NOT all
accurate, at this point.  This archive is.
Chpt 1:
Chpt 2:
Chpt 3:
Chpt 4:
Chpt 5:
Chpt 6:
Chpt 7:
Chpt 8:
Chpt 9:
Chpt 10:
Chpt 11:
Chpt 12:
Chpt 13:
Chpt 14:
Chpt 15:
Chpt 16:
Chpt 17:
Chpt 18:
Chpt 19:
Chpt 20:
Chpt 21:
Chpt 22:
Chpt 23:
Chpt 24:
Chpt 25:
Chpt 26:
Chpt 27:
Chpt 28:
Chpt 29:
Chpt 30:
Chpt 31:
Chpt 32:
Chpt 33:
Chpt 34:
Chpt 35:
Chpt 36:
Chpt 37:
Chpt 38:
Chpt 39:
Chpt 40:
Chpt 41:
Chpt 42:
Chpt 42:
Chpt 42:
Chpt 26:
Chpt 27:
Chpt 28:
Chpt 29:
Chpt 30:
Chpt 31:
Chpt 32:
Chpt 33:
Chpt 34:
Chpt 35:
Chpt 36:
Chpt 37:
Chpt 38:
Chpt 39:
Chpt 40:
Chpt 41:
Chpt 42:
Chpt 42:
Chpt 42:
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