´¯`•. January 20, 2020

Reality of Duality: Wormwood?

Someone on Facebook linked me to this.  They honestly believe that Christianity is ‘wormwood’ of the Revelation prophecies.  You know, Trump #3.  I don’t believe that, unless it’s a ‘reality of duality’ – meaning that there are multiple things that happen on multiple levels.  For example, the feast of Passover/Pesach.  It was deliverance from Egypt.  It was also an allegory of deliverance from the world.  Two meanings, one physical, one spiritual.  Reality of Duality.

Wormwood may spiritually be a warping of Truth, but I also believe it is a physical event that has happened.  (Because we’re thru the trumpets, at this point.)  There’s no reason to discount either, because it easily could be both.  Elohim works that way, often.

It took me a while to watch the video.  As in, I went to the library several weeks later, and downloaded it, and then it sat on my computer for a while… and this weekend, I got around to watching it.  I wasn’t really thinking I was going to believe much of it… because like I said, while ‘wormwood’ could be allegorical for the twisting of Truth, I’m mostly of the mind that the physical fulfillment is more relevant.

Imagine my surprise when I found out that this video is NOT about what I thought it was going to be.

It’s very short – only five minutes long.
In that time, listen to what the various people are saying.
How many of these things have you heard from Christians, before?

How many have *I* said, when I was under the delusion the church sells?  And note how each verse points out the wrongness every one of these people is spouting, countering their words with scripture.

I found this timely, poignant, and… well, kind of telling.

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