¯`•. September 07, 2011


The Prophecy

This morning, I read this over at my daily check-in (Shirat Devorah’s) blog:

The following message is not meant to shock or alarm, but it is intended to provoke a response. I pray that you will not ignore it. I fervently hope that each one of you will find a way to come closer to Hashem as a result, in any way you can.
A brief introduction is in order, to place into context what follows.  Rabbi Shalom Arush is the Rosh Yeshiva (Head of the Yeshiva) of Chut Shel Chessed… widely respected as one of Israel’s foremost religious leaders. People come to him from around the world for blessings, and he is well known to have many miraculous salvations (cures from severe health problems etc..) to his name.
Rabbi Arush gave his weekly address to the Yeshiva yesterday, and said as follows:
  1. He has been informed by one of the Zadikim Nistarim (hidden zadik) [who he has known for many years], that the ‘Gates of Tshuva’ are closing soon.
  2. There is a terrible decree in Shamayim [heaven] that [chas ve’shalom] on 21st Elul [20th September 2011] six Arab nations plan to send up to 3 million Arabs to march on Jerusalem, un-armed.  [This might not sound particularly terrible, seeing as they are un-armed. However, Rav Arush stressed that we do not understand how terrible this decree will be and that we must all pray for it to be rescinded.]
  3.  Rav Arush is taking the message from the Zadik Nistar very seriously. He told the Yeshiva that he personally called up non-religious family members and asked them to please start keeping Shabbat, and to put on Tefillin and keep any other mitzvahs they can. Now may be the last time that a person will be able to do Tshuva and return to Hashem.
  4. Rav Arush then made immediate changes to the Yeshiva. He has changed the normal learning schedule so that instead of learning from 1pm – 5pm, all students at the Yeshiva are to go out at this time to distribute Torah literature, CD’s and books. He gave every student of the Yeshiva 200 CD’s to distribute, and gave away the Garden of Emuna to the students for just 10 shekel a copy to facilitate distribution.
  5. Spreading Emunah (belief in Hashem) is one of the only ways of rescinding this decree and bringing Moshiach in a ‘sweet way’.
Friends, we may be heading into strange, difficult and ultimately wonderful times. In order to survive these times, a person needs to pray, to return whole-heartedly to G-d and to keep his Emunah (belief in Hashem) very strong. Our Torah promises a new world of peace and light, but our Rabbis teach us that this may come with difficult ‘birth pangs’. May each of us do what we can to strengthen ourselves and others, and may we be blessed with B’sorot Tovot, only good news.

aNNa’S NoTe: I wasn’t sure if this was real or right or what the rabbi said, and so I was relieved to read (in my next visit) at Lazar Brody’s blog what the rabbi REALLY prophesied:

Our email boxes are currently flooded with dozens of emails asking to confirm a chain email that summarizes what my beloved rabbi and spiritual guide Rav Shalom Arush shlit’a said in a talk to our Yeshiva student body yesterday. Most of the email which appears below in italics is accurate. I have colored the inaccurate portion in red, followed by what the Rav shlit’a really said in green, as follows:

Rabbi  Shalom  Arush is the Rosh Yeshiva (Head of the Yeshiva) of Chut Shel Chessed… widely respected as one of Israel’s foremost  religious  leaders.  People come to him from around the world for blessings, and he is well known to have many miraculous salvations (cures from severe health problems etc..) to his name. Rabbi  Arush  gave his weekly address to the Yeshiva yesterday, and said as follows:

  1. He  has been informed by one of the Zadikim Nistarim (hidden zadik) [who he  has  known for many years], that the ‘Gates of Tshuva’ are closing soon [ie,  there will be no more Tshuva – repentance/returning to Hashem – after that date]. The Rav shlit’a said that Moshiach will be here soon; once Moshiach arrives, the gates of teshuva will be closed, so now is the time to make teshuva. The Rav did not say that the gates of teshuva will be closed on September 21 or on any other specific date.
  2. There is a terrible decree in Shamayim [heaven] that [chas ve’shalom] on 21st  Ellul  [20th  September  2011]  six Arab nations plan to send up to 3 million Arabs to march on Jerusalem, un-armed. [This might not sound particularly terrible, seeing as they are un-armed. However,  Rav  Arush  stressed  that we do not understand how terrible this decree will be and that we must all pray for it to be rescinded.]–  Rav Arush is taking the message from the Zadik Nistar very seriously, despite the fact the many other of our religious leaders are not taking this seriously.
  3. He told  the Yeshiva that he personally called up non-religious family members and  asked them to please start keeping Shabbat, and to put on Tefillin and keep  any  other  mitzvahs they can. Now may be the last time that a person will be able to do Tshuva and return to Hashem. No one knows when time will run out, so teshuva can be delayed no longer.
  4. Rav Arush then made immediate changes to the Yeshiva. He has changed the normal  learning  schedule  so that instead of learning from 1pm – 5pm, all students  at  the  Yeshiva  are  to go out at this time to distribute Torah literature,  CD’s  and books…

For months now, we’ve been calling on everyone to strengthen ourselves in emuna and teshuva. Hashem’s global wakeup calls have included missile barrages, tragic murders, earthquakes, floods, and a killer hurricane… What more do we need to make teshuva? No one seems to get the message. But, those few families who strengthen themselves in true emuna and teshuva will see miracles and salvation, speedily, amen!

aNNa’S NoTe:  This is very close to the same thing – the dates haven’t changed, the army size was correct, and I believe the ‘gates of teshuva’ reference has something to do with Rev 7b… the rapture of the saints who are redeemed… the coming of the Bridegroom to redeem His bride.  This is SO HUGE, because it’s confirmation from the top religious leaders in Israel as to what is coming down… THIS MONTH.  We’re here!!  And the call, please note, is for emunah (obedience) and teshuva (faith).  For adherence to Torah and the Lord/Ha’Shem.  EXCITING TIMES!!!!!!

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  1. Along with the Elul to-do list, I’ve been feeling a push to clean up the odds and ends of my spiritual life, and I’ve seen others pulled similarly.  None of us is looking at a calendar, it’s just happening.  And *that* tells me quite a lot, really.

  2. The same thing, here – I usually have a *LIST* of stuff to do and tackle it. This year, I’m just being ‘pushed’ to work on this or that.But about this prophecy… It is crazy, because they don’t BELIEVE in Messiah or the rapture… and yet they’re PROPHESYING it? Incredible!!Another thought: three million Arabs descending on Jerusalem… the ‘abomination of desolations’ set up in ‘the holy place’, anyone? That’s what I’ve been suspecting that prophecy of Daniel’s would be. There isn’t going to *BE* a third temple until Messiah’s coming reign.But I’m a little confused: if the UN ruling is on Sept 27th, why march into Jerusalem six days before that? Six… wow, that’s ironic numerology, but the logic behind it doesn’t make sense.Anyhow, add to that the prophecy from two weeks ago, that the ‘robin was vacating the nest’… a veiled reference to the removing of Sh’Khina from the earth. If that’s the same as ‘the restrainer’… wOw. Y’know?! Just wOw. Another NT reference to the rapture, given by a Jewish person who doesn’t even believe in the NT prophecies. Two in a row.

  3. I hear ya on the being “pushed”. Normally by this time, I’m frantically updating my letter, trying to clean…this year? We’re cleaning, yes – but we started it last month (and it was PUSHED. I couldn’t ignore it!) – and my letter? I’m not even trying.I also am seeing/feeling a “pulling away” from some people – my family, for 1. I can’t explain it any better than that….but, for example, my mother just called – she’s coming over. Both kids – BOTH – groaned and asked me *why?*. Ditto Steven when I told him…..which is not the norm; both kids usually are…OK, not excited, but not *dreading* it, know what I mean?Maybe the march in is to guarantee that the vote goes the way *they* want it to? I dunno…..

  4. My theory on the march?  *if* there is a march, and *if* they are …ahem… very publically unarmed and get lots of media attention, and *if* then Israel responds negatively to such a march (as in, firepower), would that not open the door for the 1) Ezekiel war (possibly) and 2) the Tribulation anti-semitism?-have been pulling away from some folks m’self, bums me out but there you are.

  5. We are in the same boat.  Just 3 weeks ago or so, I got the worst feeling ever about traveling to Texas to see my little sister get married. Like something bad would happen if we went.  Needless to say we canceled our trip.  And as horrible as it sounds, I feel absolutely no regret about missing it.  (It’s this coming Shabbat.)  As soon as we made the decision, I felt the most intense Shalom ever!  And yes, we are cleaning too.  But we have spend so much time reading scripture together and other things that I just didn’t plan.  Somehow, I just don’t think it matters so much if my house is spotless.  This coming from a clean-freak, lol.  :)

  6. Haddasah, you took the words out of my mouth. I’m ‘meanderingly’ cleaning, but just not driven. I do what he puts in front of me to do, and it’s good.Your sister, hopefully, isn’t where the fires are? V is close enough! :eek:

  7. No, our extended families dealt with close fires through the last few rounds though.  We aren’t close.  I find it unfortunate.  But the deeper I get into Torah, the farther I get from them.  I am perfectly content with Abba and my hubby and kiddos.  I am finally to a place where I can accept this. 


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