´¯`•. January 05, 2023

A 2023 SMS Review

(Which will be VERY long, so apologies)

I’ve looked at the sidebar, and apparently it’s been a LONG time (years…!…) since I’ve done a post about the time-lining review of the SMS.  Oh, I’ve updated a few little things – bits and pieces – but nothing substantial.  And since that’s pretty much THE MOST important thing in my life (and yours, except you likely don’t realize/accept it)… it should be looked at.  In full.  As a review/reality-check.

First, the SMS.  When the prophecies of Revelation began to come true, I was looking at patterns, wondering if a God of order would use numbers and ‘scheduling’ as He meted out the parts of His end game plan.  He’s done it over and over in Scripture, so it made sense.  For example, before delivering Israel (His chosen) out of Egypt (the world) at the Exodus (prototype of end times deliverance), He hit Egypt (the world) with three sets of three judgments, and then THE DOOZY.  Likewise, in Revelation, before delivering His chosen out of the world, He hits the world with three sets of SEVEN judgments, and then THE DOOZY.

Patterns.  See?  The seven feasts timeline the eternal plan of Elohim.  The seven candles of a menorah do the same… and the two added later only augment that, just like more were added in Revelations judgments than the Exodus judgments.  Patterns.  He is a God that never changes, so if you’re paying attention, you WILL SEE numbers, patterns, prototypes, and more.  I’ve shown some amazing ones, just using the fall feasts.  In case you don’t remember:

Isn’t that amazing?  PATTERNS.  Moving on!

Daniel prophesied that there would be an end times beast that would come to power that was made of iron and clay, which would be similar to the beast before it, but unstable.  He later described it as a beast with ten horns, and also a little horn speaking for them all.  The European Union (EU) was formed as a Revived Roman Empire of sorts, with 10 nations (the WEU) at the helm.

As for the little horn, Daniel said that he would make a ‘covenant with many’ for seven years, but that the covenant would be broken halfway thru.  This is where chrischuns get their ‘Seven-Year Tribulation’ from… except they’re idiots, because DANIEL SAID IT WAS BROKEN HALFWAY THRU… that means there IS NO seven year period, hello.  There’s a 3.5 year period, and after that, anything goes.  So NO, the end times isn’t confined to seven years.  Not anywhere in Scripture.  There *IS* a 7-year ‘Great Trib’, which I addressed in a post called ‘Daniel: Messiah Math’… but that’s a whole ‘nother thing.

So… what about the ‘little horn’ and his covenant?  Well, Javier Solana took the role as High Representative of the European Union, and drafted something called the ‘European Neighborhood Policy Initiative’ (ENPI)- a seven year treaty to allow NON-EU countries to partner (or ‘covenant’) with the EU.  Israel was the first to sign on.  And when was the ENPI slated to begin?  January 2007.  Unfortunately (wink, wink), it fell apart three and a half years later – in 2010.  And no, I’m not kidding.

I then took the timing and the Seal Judgments (aka ‘Beginning of Sorrows’, if you like the Olivet version, better), and broke them down into time slots.  If the ENPI kicked off the end times events, and there are seven Seal judgments, how could they fit into a 3.5 year period?  There would be one judgment every six months.  Hence, the Six-Month Suggestion, or SMS.  Except looking back, it all came true, so it’s less of a suggestion at this point, but a fulfillment. I just keep calling it the SMS, for continuity’s sake.

Oh!  And the end times don’t BEGIN until chapter six of Revelation.  So what about those first five chapters?  The first chapter is John explaining Revelation.  He says Messiah told everyone, ‘No man knows the day or the hour of His return during His Olivet discourse… but then AFTER His ascension and John’s exile, Messiah returns to John in a vision in AD90 and says in Revelation 1:1, “I went up to my Father, He showed me His plan, and I get to share it with you, now.”  In other words, when chrischuns sneer, “No Man Knows!!”… they’re chronologically flawed and scripturally unsound.   So:

Chapter 1 – John’s Explanation of this Revelation he received.
Chapter 2 & 3 Timeline from John’s time to 2003.  Not kidding:

I love how THREE churches continue until today… and they’re stoplight colors:  Bad, Lukewarm, Good.  Isn’t that crazy?  Like I said, God works in patterns, and we see them – EVERY. SINGLE. DAY!!  So Chapters 2 & 3 aren’t just talking about churches that existed at the time John wrote Revelation (and their faults), it was also a prototype for the churches thru the ages.  A reality of duality.  A deeper meaning within a shallower meaning.  Scripture is heady stuff!

Then there’s chapters 4 & 5, which are scenes in Heaven.  We don’t see this stuff happen, but it does.  And frankly, since EVERYTHING in Revelation happens in 3.5 year increments after we hit the end times period?  I applied the 3.5 year model to the ‘Scenes in Heaven’, out of logic.  Which means if the Seal Judgments kick off in 2007, then 2003 would be when the ‘Scenes in Heaven’ things begin.  Interestingly, if you look at my quake chart?  When did the activity really kick up?  Take a look, again:

Pretty durn near close to that!  And the same with the solar activity, and the signs in the Heavens… so if you’re looking, you see evidence of these things in every aspect of life. Which is astounding.

Also should add that the kick-off included one sign that we DID see – there was an ‘engagement ring’ eclipse, signalling that the Groom was ready to come for His bride.  It happened also in 2003.

Moving on to the judgments, which I explained above (the SMS thing).  The Seal Judgments take place in Revelation Chapter 6:

2007a ENPI kicks off the end times.
2007b SEAL 1 – White Horse (unseen in Heaven)
2008a SEAL 2 – Red Horse – ‘Armament’ begins
2008b SEAL 3 – Black Horse – Economic downturn begins
2009a SEAL 4 – Pale Horse – Pandemics begin
2009b SEAL 5 – Martyrs under the Altar (unseen in Heaven)
2010a SEAL 6 – Cataclysm begins
2010b SEAL 7 – Silence in Heaven for half an hour

And if you remember (which you likely don’t), Russia ‘achieved reunification’ in 2008 – that’s when they started making weapons/money again, after the long period of quiet following the Cold War.  Which is where the Middle East got most of its weapons (until Biden joined the party and gave them even more in 2021.  Idiot.).  There was a big economic crash in October of 2008 that people are STILL talking about, that things still haven’t bounced back from.  In early 2009, we saw hand sanitizer appear on counters, and ‘bird’ flus became a commonplace thing.  In the first part of 2010, we had an 8.8 earthquake that literally took the earth off it’s axis and kicked off more fun events.  So IT ALL CAME TRUE, AND IN THE TIME SLOTS THAT FIT THE PATTERN, TOO!!

Also, the ENPI failed in June of 2010, and fell apart, along with the organized WEU/EU.  And since then, there has been no ten horns, no Solana, and even the ‘three plucked horns’ are gone (England left with the ‘Brexit’, Germany wimped out when Merkel retired, and we do not speak of France, which has gone a darker path – more on that in a few paragraphs).  The point is, IT ALL CAME TRUE, TOO!

Chapter 7 of Revelation is a ‘bookend’ chapter.  That means that the events ‘bracket’ a period.  And the period they ‘bracket’?  The time when the Seal Judgments/Beginning of Sorrows is over, thru the time of the Rapture (which I believe is NOW. -ish.  I’ll explain.)  There are three events in Chapter Seven, and ALL of them happen ‘out of order’… because they’re bookends that are happening within another layer of the prophecy.  And you’ll see A LOT of ‘bookends’.

About those three events:

Event #1 Delayed Solar Maximum. It says four angels hold the ‘winds’ back.  In 2007 – as the end times events began? – it was discovered that there was a giant hole in the earth’s magnetosphere/ionosphere (LINK).  But the thing is, it wasn’t a problem, because the solar maximum delayed for an unprecedented THREE and a HALF YEARS.  I wrote about it THIS WEEK, actually (1/3/22)… and by the way, the event is another 3.5 year Revelation event.  It actually took place during the Seal Judgments – 2007 thru 2010.

Event #2 Sealing of the 144,000.  This actually happened.  In 2011, the Jewish rabbi council in Israel announced that the ’70 windows’ that allowed God’s grace to flow out of Israel have been ‘sealed’.  Here and here, from my archives.  So the 144,000 tribes were ‘sealed’, and it was actually announced to the world.  The world just ignored the news.  Only those watching saw what happened.

Event #3 Robed Redeemed.  As I’ve said a half a million times, this is one of FOUR rapture references.  They’re Rev 7b, Rev 14a, Rev 15, and Rev 19a.  And three of them appear as ‘bookends’ – this one brackets the time from the end of the Seal judgments to the time the Great Wrath (Vial Judgments) begin.  It hasn’t happened, yet – and I’m waiting on it, presently.  More on that coming further down in this.

Next come the Trumpet Judgments, but there are a few things that happened, first.  It starts with Seal 7 (see above – fulfilled 2010b), and a ‘silence in heaven for 1/2 hour’.  We’ll talk about that in a minute.  Then there’s an angel with a censer that causes an enormous earthquake.  Since we’re back in order again for this, was there a huge earthquake in 2011a?  YES – the 9.0 in Honshu, Japan – most people know it as the Fukushima event.  It also shifted our axis, but more than that, it was the vehicle for upcoming prophecy.

Next in the chapter are angels preparing to sound (2011b – unseen event in heaven), and then the Trumpet judgments.  Which I wondered about – would they follow the same pattern: one every six months, per the SMS?  There was nothing to do but wait and see.  AND THEY DID!!!

2012aTrump #1 – Fires across America, Canada, Siberia begin
2012bTrump #2 – Radiation begins (1/3 oceans) via Fukushima
2013a Trump #3 – Ice Melt begins (and is still going – link from last week!)
2013bTrump #4 – Niburu appears on the horizon (darkening of heavens)

Then there’s a pause, where ‘three woes’ are announced.  This actually happened as three sets of alignments/sextiles happened across the sky.  I wrote about them all, and they’re on my chart, if you want exact dates for them.  This fulfilled the 2014a slot, for the record.  But then the Trumpets continue:

2014b Trump #5 – Locust Army.  Remember this?   Yeah, that.
2015a Trump #6 – Euphrates Army.  This was the ‘Syrian Refugee’ thing.

For the record, the ‘refugees’ who were taken in by the nations?  They weren’t ‘refugees’.  They’re an army, moving across the globe.  And we funded it, in the name of ‘humanitarianism’.  Just wait.  When they mobilize, it won’t be pretty.  Especially when you add in the ‘refugees’ coming over the border in to America, courtesy of Biden (who yet again upped the ante in aiding in prophetical demise.  He seems great at that…)

But we have a problem.  Because Trumpets #1-6 are in chapters 8 and 9… but John doesn’t get to Trumpet #7 until chapter 11.  So what do we do with that?  Well, the seals were all in six-month uninterrupted intervals, so we have to put Trump #7 in at 2015b, and THEN address the stuff in between. Because God is a god of order and patterns.  And also because I waited and watched and gave LOTS of options during this period until it all was fulfilled and I could SEE what happened and log it.  It. Took. YEARS… because these are unseen events, so until we could WITNESS something, I was kinda lost.  But it turns out, the events of Rev 9:20-21 and Rev 11:18 are the same, so John helps us get back on track, thankfully.

2015bTrump #7 Voices in Heaven/Mystery Finished (Rev 11:15)
followed by…
2016aElders in Heaven (Rev 11:16-17) – Unseen Event.
2016bUnrepentant Mankind (Rev 11:18; also Rev 9:20-21) – Donald Trump became president, and the nasty, ugly, vile manifestation of hate started rearing it’s head as a spin-off of his arrival on the Global scene.  And it hasn’t stopped.
2017aTime of the Dead announced – Unseen Event, so we don’t know what (if anything) happened.
2017bTemple in Heaven Opened/Great Quake (Rev 11:19).  Did this happen?  YES.  8.2 in Mexico.  These are GARGANTUAN quakes, by the way.  Anything over 7.5 is enormous, and we’re talking MASSIVE quakes.

Then we went back to Revelation 10, and picked up…
2018aRainbow Angel – Unseen event
2018bSeven Thunders NOT opened – Unseen ((whew!))
2019aEating of the book – Unseen event

The next events are 3.5 year ‘bookends’, meaning that they don’t fit the six-month periods of the SMS. Turns out that the 3.5 year events are all in order:
2003b – 2007a 3.5 year ‘Silence in Heaven for 1/2 hour’ (Rev 8:1)
2007a – 2010b 3.5 year ‘Covenant with Many’  (Dan 9:27)
2010b – 2014a 3.5 year ‘Measuring the Temple’ (Rev 11: 1-2)
2014a – 2017b 3.5 years ‘Israel Downtrodden’ – see chart (Rev 12:6)
2017b – 2021a3.5 years ‘Two Witnesses Ministry’ (Rev 11: 3-6)

And there’s likely more, but I haven’t gotten to looking into that, yet.  I was kinda hoping to be GONE by now.  But remember – these are BOOKENDs… that means those periods are for the *start* events.  The *end* events (Like the witnesses being killed, and the judgment of the dragon?) don’t happen until later.  And BTW… SO. OBVIOUSLY. NOT. A SEVEN-YEAR TRIB!!!!

Back to the SMS, events that aren’t 3.5 years, but instead happen every six months.

2019b – Beast of the Earth comes to power (Rev 13:11-13)
– Beast’s “significant events” → CLVID19=666  (Rev 13:14,18)
2020b – “Significant events” ‘kill’ the spirit/soul of saints (Rev 13:15)
2021a – Vaccine roll-out/Arrival of ‘The Mark’ (Rev 13:16)
2021b – No man may buy or sell → Israel (Rev 13:17) and America

And here’s where things got weird, again.  Because that’s the end of chapter 13 right there, and chapter 14 is a ‘bookend’ chapter, which brackets the Great Wrath that is about to begin.  The first part is the Rapture.  Then there are three angels, and then the second part 14b is the Reaping of the Earth, which obviously happens AFTER the Great Wrath.

Then there’s chapter 15, which is ALSO the Rapture, but it’s NOT a bookend chapter.  That’s the actual, literal, real event, in chronological order.  *IF* there weren’t addendums and bookends everywhere.  Which is why I was so gung-ho rapture, all of 2022.

It didn’t happen, but something else did: for the first time ever, the Lord allowed me to READ AHEAD in Revelation.  I haven’t been allowed to, until now.  I was told to stay relevant to the time, so I did.  Mostly.  When I tried to read ahead, He either stopped me or confused me or distracted me so badly I couldn’t do anything with it.  But in 2022, He sent me ahead… and I discovered a fourth telling of the Rapture in Chapter 19: 6-9.  Yay!

But you’ll notice there are SIX verses there that we’re skipping.  And we can’t skip them.  In fact, the next fulfillment that happened?  Was those verses:

2022a Judgment of the Great Whore → Global Faith Forum (link)

And since that leads right into – oh, hey, RAPTURE! – I was STILL thinking that there’d be a rapture.  Even though He gave me something weird, and it pinged my radar badly… that rapture was just too much, too necessary to me.  I get that way.  ((*blush!*))  But do you remember this “Three Frogs” post?  It went up December 2nd, so not too long ago.

Well, here’s the deal:  I’m confuzzled about the three angels in Revelation 14, first.  The angels deliver messages that have to do with other events, so here’s what that looks like:

Angel #1 – All nations, tongues, peoples get the Word of God.
Angel #2 – Babylon is fallen, is fallen!
Angel #3 – Those who take the mark go straight to hell.  Forever.

But the thing is, that comes AFTER the rapture in chapter 14.  So… not sure when, but not next.  And I have concerns about when, because there’s Catholicism/Christianity (Babylon the Great Whore of chapter 17) and there’s America (Babylon the Great of chapter 18)… and we don’t know WHEN they’ll be destroyed, but we do know that we’re commanded to come out of America (Rev 18:4).  This bothers me GREATLY, as an American living in Michigan.  It means if we’re not raptured, MY FAMILY HAS TO LEAVE THE COUNTRY.  But when?  And how?  And to go where?  HELP, LORD!!!!

His answer?  “Abide.”  Yup… that’s it.  “Abide“.
I’m not. abiding. well.  For the record.
And yes, you can laugh at me.

Apparently either 1) He’s going to rapture us, and I have to not be so impatient, or 2) He’ll tell us when, where, and provide a way to do that when He’s darn good n’ ready to.  And if that day comes?  This blog will close.  I will not tell anyone what/where/how we are leaving.  But we’re all of the mindset that this is non-negotiable.  As of now, I… want to be raptured.  It’s the FAR better option.  The far easier option, let’s be honest.  And in the meantime?  I grit my teeth and abide (((deep breaths.)))

Regardless, here we are in 2023a, and… what happened in 2022b that was a fulfillment?  Because if we’re still here?  There WAS a fulfillment.  EVERYTHING has come true – in chronological order (even the ‘bookends’ are chronological, in their own way!) and have happened every six months for SEVENTEEN YEARS STRAIGHT.  No joke.  This isn’t a fairy tale, I’m not making things up – I’ve documented e.v.e.r.y. bit of it.  It’s REAL.  And I’ve got nearly two decades of proof on this blog.  In this post!!!

Anyhow, the Lord pricked me to look at that post about the frogs from December, again.  Except that happens in the Vials, no?  NO.

It’s FOUND in the Vial chapter, but look at the verses.  And I’m gonna include the two surrounding Vial judgments in yellow – I know this post is already super long, but it’s IMPORTANT:

12 And the sixth angel poured out his vial upon the great river Euphrates; and the water thereof was dried up, that the way of the kings of the east might be prepared.

13 And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet.  14 For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty.

15 Behold, I come as a thief. Blessed is he that watcheth, and keepeth his garments, lest he walk naked, and they see his shame.

16 And he gathered them together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon.

17 And the seventh angel poured out his vial into the air; and there came a great voice out of the temple of heaven, from the throne, saying, It is done.

Okay, so… we have Vial #6, and then this ASIDE – ‘I saw three unclean spirits like frogs.  They go INTO the ‘kings of the earth and whole world’ and bring about “significant events” (‘wonders’ in scripture), and they gather of the whole world to fight God’.  Who are the kings of our world and the earth, at present?  America (Biden/Obama), The EU (Macron), and The WEF (Schwab)!

And then – DIRECTLY after that?  It says, “Behold, I come as a thief, and blessed is he that watcheth!  Which is ExActLY what Messiah says in Matthew 24:42-44.  And Luke 12:39-40.  And what Peter says in 2 Peter 3:10.  And what Paul ways in 2 Thessalonians 5:2,4.  And all of them are references to the rapture! 

So these three ‘frogs’ (←demons that go into the three kings of the world) come ON THE SCENE and into their host humans before the Rapture… BUT John mentions them HERE because they are pivotal to the whole path to Armageddon thing, and making the world rise up and gather against Messiah when He comes to bring judgment upon the Earth.

So basically?  What happened December 2nd was the fulfillment of 2022b.  The three unclean spirits arrived on the scene.  They got their hosts and got them together in Washington D.C.  And even the demon’s origin identities match:  Barak Hussien Obama (“out of the mouth of the False Prophet”/12th Imam), Klaus Schwab (“out of the mouth of the beast”/WEF), and Emmanuel Macron (“out of the mouth of the dragon” – more on this soon).  And all three of these assembled together and had a secret meeting in December.  How about that?

I’ve got FOUR more posts to write as a result of this one, as I’ve seen some things I’ve never seen, before.  Give me time to pray and research and watch for what He brings me, and I’ll share as He prompts.

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1 Comment

  1. Katie

     /  January 5, 2023

    those 3 frogs in one meeting = scary thought


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