´¯`•. February 19, 2021

Israel Ahead

When we think Bible prophecy, we know in the backs of our minds that Israel – as God’s chosen people – are a huge factor.  For example, Armageddon takes place in Meggido, which is in North Israel.  The sealed tribes?  They’re the twelve tribes of Israel.

But when we hear about things having to do with the Beast (end times empires) and their wonders… I guess I just didn’t equate it to Israel.  I thought that all people all over the WORLD would be experiencing the ‘no buying/no selling’ thing.  I mean, I alluded that it doesn’t have to happen everywhere… but when I thought that, I’d read some things about the UK (United Kingdom) and was equating it to just a single country somewhere… and I didn’t equate it to Israel at all.

I thought that the UK was THE primary place that was under the worst pandemic restrictions.  Because I look at pretty much everything through a spiritual lens, I wondered if it wasn’t because the UK isn’t the hub of all things satanic.  Let’s face it – Druidism, sorcery, witchcraft, Aleister Crowley, the Satanic Bible… these things all center around the UK.

Also, their citizens are locked down, roads closed, threats to citizens are extreme… it’s bad, there.  And they’re not just threatening the unvaccinated/non-maskies.  They’re threatening ANYONE who helps them.  No food, no bank access, and if you help?  TWO YEARS in prison.   And then it got worse:

They’re turning people against each other.  Can you imagine someone coming up to you and saying, “How dare you!  You’re keeping me from going on vacation with my family!  Making memories with my children.  You selfish bitch – you’re RUINING our LIVES!” and then turning on each other?  Because that’s what the government is doing to their citizenry in the UK.  Not kidding.

Makes you glad to *only* be in the USA.

I didn’t know, though, that it’s FAR, FAR, FAR worse somewhere else:

Take a look at the data.  According to this, Israel is THE gold standard in vaccination administration.  They’re pushing far harder than even the US and the UK… by a lot.  And if you think it’s hard here, or shocking in the UK?  Take a look at the headlines that are coming out in Israel:

They’re taking people’s jobs away from them in Israel.  You refuse the vaccination?  You don’t work.  And if you’re found to be forging certificates?  Jail time.  Banks don’t really matter when you don’t have money to put in them.  Vacations don’t really matter when you don’t have money to afford them… isn’t that right?  But then it gets even WORSE.

Okay, so enough of the citizens are ‘jabbed’ (← what is that, a new way to avoid calling it what it is – shooting someone up with an untested cocktail of poison and mRNA altering substances?!  Downplaying it with a cute little word like ‘jab’?!)… we’ve got so many done, that now we’re going to start publishing the names of citizens who refuse to be vaccinated.  GROSS invasion of privacy in a supposedly democratic country!!  Not only that, but it’s dangerous to those people’s lives!  There are a lot of crazies out there who will target them, when they get those names.

Or is that the plan?

When I read Revelation, I thought that John’s visions were… well, not as Israel-centric as they apparently are.  And for the record?  The fulfillment of what I saw as the SMS 2021a prophecy is now complete.  Not in the States… but it doesn’t have to be.  What’s surprising to me is that it’s in the two places that are polar opposite:  Israel (God’s holy land), and UK (Satan’s seat).  Interesting.

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