´¯`•. July 05, 2006


Technology in a Thouand Years.

I’ve been doing some reading, and something’s really got my mind in a muddle.  It’s technology.

See, it took God only 1000 years to get to the point where He was ready to destroy this Earth.  That was the Flood.  Since then, there’s been 5000 years in getting us to the second (and final) destruction of this Earth.

I can’t help wondering… were they as advanced as we?  Before the Flood?  Were they?  I mean, they were obviously as warped, wicked, and wayward as we… but is it possible they could’ve been as advanced?

Then I got to thinking… a thousand years ago it was the year 1006.  That’s before the dark ages.  Before America was discovered.  Before electricity, cars, computers, planes, technology.  It only took us the last 200 years to get where we’ve gotten.  Before that, things were (give or take) about the same.  Animals for transportation, fire for heat, and hunting for food.  Two hundred years from that to where we are, now.  And they had a thousand years from Adam to Noah.

Is it possible that they could’ve made it beyond that before the Flood, do you think?
Things that make ya go hrm….  okay, I’ll go do something productive now.  ((wink!))

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  1. That certainly got me thinking.

  2. I was sent a link for free e-books here:
    You might want to check this out for books from your Ambleside list. 

  3. I got the link, too.  :beam:

  4. hmmmm. I know that a lot of the history books who talk about ancient civilizations show that they had technology that we didn’t think possible. I wonder about that myself. We don’t even know what the world was like before the flood. Guess we will have to wait to hear about it for a few more decades.

  5. Great post! Got me thinking.

  6. Roswell. All of our technology escalated exponentially after the Roswell UFO crash. Apparently the government learned quite a bit from the remains of their aircraft. And, of course, we gained incredible knowledge from the autopsies of the little alien bodies too. Sheesh. I gotta quit tuning in to “Coast to Coast am” when I get bored at night. Maybe getting abducted by aliens would fill that time? Oh, wait! Maybe it already did and I just don’t know it! What time is it anyway?????………… :nuts: :crosseye:

  7. I have to say that I think they were incredibly advanced, moreso than what they are given credit for. But then, I watch alot of National Geographic, Discovery Science, History Channel, etc. I really like to watch the programs on ancient civilizations that were on the B.C. timeline. I must confess that I have to laugh everytime they want to know who built the pyramids. Whenever they find ruins of civilizations it’s fascinating to me to see how they lived and how well-ordered their culture was with regard to all dynamics involved.

  8. Interesting post, Anna!  As always you get me to thinking. 
    Welcome back!  I’m glad your vacation was all you wanted it to be….and how nice that it’s so close you can do it again.  Blessings to you….Q.’

  9. I’ve thought about that before, as well.  And especially since they lived much longer lives.  Today, each generation has to spend X amount of time learning what has been learned up until now.  But think about what it would be like if you had 500 years to accumulate knowledge just for yourself?  I tend to think they must have been at least as advanced as us in many ways.


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