´¯`•. December 12, 2019

An Inconvenient Truth

I used to have this on-again, off-again Internet friend named Charles David.  Some of you might remember him.  We agreed on a lot, and clashed on even more… but he was the kind of person who I could be friends with, because even though we disagreed, he respected my choices, and I respected his.

Charles was what I’d somewhat considered a conspiracy theorist.  He was very much about weird, wujo things like the Illuminati, secret societies, and sects that were borne out of parts of Catholicism, parts of Judaism, parts of mysticism… he was into plots about our country and plots revolving around the New World Order.

I have never delved into those kinds of things.  It’s never set well with me.  I’m more of the mind that things of man are fickle and changing and nothing I can change, so nothing that I’m going to worry about.  I have always been more about the things of Elohim, because I haven’t even got a strong handle on that, for the love of Pete.  And THAT is important to my life, my eternity, my faith, my very being.

I think I frustrated Charles.  A lot.
I’m sorry about that, too.

Well, this week, I downloaded and watched a video that has changed everything for me.  Places I wasn’t willing to go intellectually that turn out to be connected to the places that I have gone.  Things that I haven’t touched before were interwoven with things that I have explored.  And I owe Charles David an apology.  Because he wanted me to ‘open my eyes’, and I said ‘they are open, I’m just not willing to look in the same direction you are’.

Except that it turns out that I was.
Maybe he knew that, and let me be, keeping silent.
Maybe he didn’t know,
and I’ve just stumbled on something crazy.

And I don’t agree with everything in this.  (In fact, there are at least six things that I vehemently disagree with.)  But I have had a seriously rude awakening, and there are things I need to write about, because of it… and I can’t do that without giving you the context… or rather, this video.

It’s long.  TWO HOURS long.  But it’s split into four 30-minute parts, and it might be better if you did it in increments, if you choose to watch it.  It’s only the first 30-minute section that I’m ready to write about, at this point, anyhow.  But here it is:

My mind was blown.  My world was a little shaken.  I’m a little freaked out.  On the other hand, all of these things are in His hand, regardless of what spiritual wickedness is at play around me.  And I know whom I have believed, so I really feel it’s best to leave it in His hands.

On the other hand… this has opened SO many cans of worms…


  1. Noni

     /  December 12, 2019

    Oh please! Five minutes into it I can tell it’s bullshit. I’ll still watch it but this belongs in the same date gory as every other conspiracy theorist in-line…. in the asylum.

    • Did you mean ‘category’? Because you’re really obnoxious and can’t type, on top of it.

      OF COURSE you think it’s bullshit. You think *I’M* bullshit… and yet here we are, day after day, you being an asshole, and me having to listen to you. I’d tell you to get a life, but you have no idea what one is, so it’s a waste of breath. Ergo, your opinion of the video makes no difference. I just wish you’d learn to keep your pessimism to yourself. ((I should BE so lucky…))

  2. Carrie

     /  December 13, 2019

    I just wanted to say that it may be a good idea to pray for discernment before watching any of this channels videos. I grew up in a family that came out of the occult. My Mother tried to warn people that “Truth” can be presented as bait. I am not convinced this person is out. Also those coming out of the Occult do not continue to use symbols of it. This channel does. Prayers for your discernment regarding not just the presented material but the presenter. Shalom

    • Thank you for the warning. I’m not convinced she’s out, either… but she’s been put in front of me for such a time as this, and yeah… prayerfully going over the materials.

      • Carrie

         /  December 13, 2019

        Totally get it. For some of us, we are called to this walk. In case you are interested, Parable of the Vineyard and Rob Skiba have some mind blowing videos on youtube. Rob has been discussing this channels videos on fb, or was before I started my Sabbath from it. POV just dropped a video called AntiChrist revealed. They both discuss many things addressed in these videos. Something….is coming. I only drop these with you because I think you have the fortitude to check them out. I do not know how much longer their information will be available. As always, interested in your thoughts. Shabbat Shalom🤗