´¯`•. April 03, 2011


This is the Beginning…

… of a potentially very exciting time.  I woke up this morning, very much geeked about the possibilities… (even though I should be bummin’ that forecasts predict hail and thunder, ruining my plans to take an adventure to Detroit Zoo).  That’s little stuff, though, compared to the BIG things I’m looking at!

Did you see the picture of the Northern Lights on SpaceWeather this morning?  WOW!  I’ve never seen PINK ones before!!  I guess we’re being buffeted by strong solar winds that are REALLY making an gorgeous light show.  Makes me miss living in the U.P… I hear northern Wisconsin (and therefore, also the U.P) are getting a beautiful view of them.  (((sigh!)))  I’ve seen them before – they’re breathtaking!

Today is also the New Moon.  And not just any New Moon, either – it’s the kick-off of a 15-day countdown that leads up to Pesach (Passover).  On the heels of Shabbat, it starts a MAJOR time of preparation, cleansing, getting excited and geared up for what’s to come.

Interestingly, tonight is also the opposition of Saturn, and according to SpaceWeather, you can see Saturn’s rings even with a smaller telescope.  If it weren’t so durned overcast, I’d try to see them, myself.  ((grins))  Apparently it’s supposed to look like they’re glowing, it’s so bright!  I find this interesting, because Saturn represents Satan, and his being ‘in opposition’ the day of this special new moon is ironic… because it kicks off the Jewish festal period, you know!

But for me, it’s MORE than that.  This feast line-up happens every year, but this year is different.  Because of the events foretold in Revelation.  According to the now-finished SMS, and the ‘winds’ being rolled back/controlled by the four angels… well, it means that THIS feast time has GREAT potential to be a major fulfillment.

I wrote last week that – where we are in Revelation right now – is Chapter Seven.  Specifically, that from January 2011 thru June 2011, we’re looking for something that may or may not be visible to us – and that is the sealing of 144,000 Jews.  Oh, there is much debate over the number… does it really mean a literal 144,000, or is that number (12x12x10³) figurative: twelve being the number of completion and the whole of Israel, ten the number of humanity, and three the number of unity?  We don’t know.  A lot of people have trouble with this, because there are so many missing tribes at this point.  But I (personally) don’t think they’re missing at all.  So we shall have to see.

But it makes sense that if its going to happen, it will happen during these feasts, as another fulfillment.  Pesach, Firstfruits, Shavuot… these have significant meaning – past, present, and future.  They are vital to the plan of Yehovah, and we are looking at them during a very important time in the history of the world.  Chapter Seven is between the ‘Beginning of Sorrows’ and the ‘Great Wrath of Ha’Shem’.  A transitory period with its own amazing fulfillments… and we don’t fully understand what’s going to happen.

I always thought that the two events after the winds were separate… that the Jews were a reference to the nation of Israel that would be left here, and the ‘multitude’ was a reference to those in Yeshua who would be raptured.  Maybe, maybe not.  Maybe they’re the same group: ‘before’ and ‘after’ the Wrath.  Maybe they’re different and refer to different parts of these spring feasts.

My daughter has been worried about the Japan radiation coming this way.  It seems that the ‘ill winds’ foretold by HPH (in the papers pre-2010, when they revamped and ruined their accuracy) are radiation, and will circle the globe over and over.  She wants to know if we’ll be here.

I have always felt that Rosh Ha’Shana is the rapture.  But I cannot deny there is also a chance that it isn’t – that we’ll be taken up on Firstfruits, as a fulfillment of Yeshua’s being the ‘firstfruits of those to rise’.  Or maybe on the same day as He ascended (40 days after Pesach).  Maybe the ‘sealing’ of the 144,000 will happen the same way they were sealed from the Angel of Death in Egypt… on Pesach.  Or maybe the seal will come like the tongues of fire on their heads at Shavuot.  MORE possibilities!!

At any rate, exciting times, and all beginning today!!

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  1. I gotta go feed the animals – but really all I wanna do is sit here and bible study and have a cup of tea with you.

  2. Me, too!I’ve said all along that the Rapture can happen at any Feast……granted, Passover WAS fulfilled by Yeshua, as was FirstFruits and Matza and Shavuot. But….I’m not going to rule out another, End Times fulfillment, either. (I mean….c’mon, Passover is the time to get up and MOVE OUT, y’know? :wink:)I still don’t know if the Rpature IS as the church teaches it, or if it’s something else….but that’s just semantics. He said we weren’t destined for Wrath…..so we’re either Not Here, or we’re here but protected. I *hope* it’s the former….but we’ll see.I gotta get cleaning! My kitchen is a disaster……

  3. It feels very beginning-y today, yes.  :)Having started on vaca with the kids and hubs, I promptly put down my sponge and picked up the keyboard and did some mental housecleaning.  Funny how that works, isn’t it?


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