´¯`•. January 03, 2013


The End of the SMS?

Well, we’ve finally made it to the end.  It’s 2013, and I fear that the Six-Month Suggestion is over.  For good.

I don’t know how I feel about that.

Fact of the matter is, while it’s driven me crazy for the better part of six years, it was reassuring – at the same time – to have had that predictable pattern to hold on to.  It was nice to know what to look for, what was coming next.  It was helpful to me to have had the Six-Month Suggestion.  It brought me closer to Him, and helped me to understand better.  Without it…

Yes, well, anyhow, it’s probably done, now.  And the truth is, it might’ve been done for a very long time, I don’t know.  I might’ve wishful hoped it had been in effect for more than just the Seal Judgments.  Maybe I didn’t… maybe it extended that long.  It certainly still fit for a time, so whether I extended it or He did (for me) is moot.  It’s over, now, anyhow.

Going back over it as a recap, I believe the ‘Trib’ (or Beginning of Sorrows, they’re interchangeable) began on January 1st, 2007.  It started with a seven year ‘covenant’ called the European Neighborhood Policy Initiative (ENPI).  This was an ‘extension’ of what the EU actually is.  The European Union being the uniting of 27 nations of Europe together.  The man at the helm (Javier Solana) was the EU High Representative, and he drafted the ENPI as a way to unite the nations of the Middle East to the EU.   If the Middle Eastern nation signed on to the ENPI, they would receive special benefits from Europe… trade, aid, etc.  Ironically, Israel was the first to sign up, but many others followed.

The ENPI is the “covenant with many” found in the book of Daniel.  It’s term was from January 1, 2007 thru December 31, 2014… seven years.  Unfortunately, the EU is also the last empire in the book of Daniel – the one made of sand and clay that falls apart.  Which is why halfway through, the “covenant” would be broken.  And ironically, it was 2010 (halfway thru the ENPI) that Europe found itself unable to sustain the success and power that it had up until that point.  Solana was gone, the financial straits were horrible, and the WEU slipped away… just as scripture foretold.

But that doesn’t change the fact that the Seal Judgments were to be carried out for the half of the ‘covenant’ period… those three and a half years.  And here’s how it played out… each six-month period starting something (quietly, slowly) that would snowball bigger and bigger thru the end times:

 1/1/2007  to  6/30/2007

 7-yr ‘covenant’/Trib begins (ENPI)

 7/1/2007 to 12/31/2007

 Seal 1:  Rider of White Horse (unseen)

 1/1/2008  to  6/30/2008

 Seal 2:  Rider of Red Horse (war begins)

 7/1/2008 to 12/31/2008

 Seal 3:  Rider of Black Horse (famine begins)

 1/1/2009  to  6/30/2009

 Seal 4:  Rider of Pale Horse (death/sickness begins)

 7/1/2009 to 12/31/2009

 Seal 5:  Martyrs under the Altar (unseen)

 1/1/2010  to  6/30/2010

 Seal 6:  Earth/terra events (cataclysm begins)

The ENPI was given to me via Herb Peters, a prophet the Lord really used in wondrous ways until his death in 2007… ironically the start of the ENPI.  Apparently he did his job and brought the Truth about Daniel’s prophecies to light, and then his job was over.  His daughter has since taken over his ministry, and declared that her father’s position was wrong, and everything he was teaching is now defunct.  She… undid all of his work, and denied what the Lord set before her father. What’s left of his legacy is in shreds… I weep for what happened.  Because Herb was right.  It’s all been true – is still true.

And after the Lord directed me to Herb’s revelations, He gave me the SMS, which only confirmed everything.  I watched it play out over years.  The fiscal cliff you’re sick of hearing about?  It started with a little snowball called the economic crash of 10/8/2008.  The Syrian/Turkish/Iranian mess now in the news as they report 60,000 dead?  It’s fueled by the reconstitution of Russia which occurred in July of 2007 – before that, Russia was dormant, a previously active arms dealer, but hadn’t dabbled since the Cold War… two decades passed without a peep, and suddenly, reconstitution.  Like that, but with more… so much more.  It’s all stuff that has snowballed out of the Seal Judgments, one fulfillment every six months.

I had extended the six month pattern into Revelation chapter 7, as well… partly because I wasn’t told it was over, and partly because I didn’t know what else to do.  And besides, it fit:

 7/1/2010 to 12/31/2010

 Winds stopped

 1/1/2011  to  6/30/2011

 Six tribes sealed (part I)

 7/1/2011to 12/31/2011

 Six tribes sealed (part II)

 1/1/2012 to  6/30/2012

 Winds released

It seemed to fit.  The Jewish rabbis in Israel announced in 2011 that it was the year that the Spirit, which flows out of Israel to the Goyim (other nations of the world) thru seventy windows, would be sealed off from the rest of the world.  Before which winds were stopped (LINK).  Now yes, it was more than six months to seal the tribes.  It was more like one tribe per month, or six tribes per six month period… but it still mostly fit.  As to the winds being released, it made sense, since they were only held for the duration of the sealing period.  Like I said, though… this was my conjecture.  Partly because I didn’t hear from Him about the SMS being over, and partly because I didn’t know what else to do but keep plugging events into the pattern.  I take full responsibility.

The problem comes in that Revelation 7: 9-end did NOT happen during the last six months of 2012.  We’re still here.  That was NOT supposed to happen.  And if the second half of Rev 7 doesn’t fit the SMS, I have to conclude that the first half wasn’t a part of it, really, either.  At this point, I have to ask if maybe the SMS wasn’t over at the halfway point – in 2010.  It makes more sense to me, in hindsight.  It sucks that hindsight is 20/20, and our current view just… isn’t.  Dog-gone irritating, but there you have it.

Then there was the realization that Rev 8:1 was supposed to be part of the previous chapter.  (LINK) I still don’t know what that means, and it drives me absolutely crazy.  If any of you are smarter than me and can figure it out, I’m WIDE open to suggestions, because I don’t get it.  I just don’t.  But there it is, and I guess I’m waiting.  Still.  But this time, I don’t have a pattern.  I don’t have ANYTHING.  And if you want to know the truth, I don’t handle that well.  Not after He’s given me so much to watch, so much order and insight, before.  Having fog roll in where once the view was clear?  I’m not so good with that.  It’s got me in a bit of a funk, truth be told.

But that doesn’t change the facts.  We have hit 2013.  And that means that the SMS is likely over, regardless.  Unless He gives me more information, or changes something hugely, you won’t be hearing about it ever again from me… and that probably makes a ton of you VERY happy.  But… it leaves me unsettled.  Because I had expected a fall/winter 2012 rapture.  I hadn’t planned to be here now, as I said.  That the rapture didn’t happen in 2012 doesn’t mean I don’t believe in a rapture – quite the contrary – the next event in John the Revelator’s line up IS the multitude of all tribes/nations at the Throne.  It’s next.

But the WHEN of it is completely beyond me.  I’m stuck back at simply watching feasts, alignments, eclipses, and news headlines… wondering about that bloody ‘span of about a half an hour’, hoping the next event will be His timing.  That’s the bad news.

The good news?  I know what’s next.  Regardless of when, I know what happens next.  And I can have hope in that.  Rest in faith.  And pray for Him to give me the knowledge I need in His time.  The Six-Month Suggestion is done… and now?  Anything is possible.

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  1. I’ve had a crazy couple of months at my job with more to come. I’ve missed reading much of anything because of that…and I’ve been out of town for an entire week working at a conference, which really throws me in a tail-spin. That said:I scanned your resolutions…always admirable, intimidating, brave and ambitious! Your resolutions help me get my own in perspective. Thank you!I have learned so much through the SMS about world events and prophecy, thank you for that too! While I’ve not been convinced the rapture would happen in 2012, it has been a learning experience for me….and I am convinced that you will continue to “watch and to wait” as the Lord teaches you more about Himself and His plan for all of us. Me too!BTW…I managed to eat at restaurants for an entire week and not gained even one ounce! Miracle…absolute miracle. :) I think I am going to have to give up my weigh-ins at the clinic etc….I just can’t afford it – but when that happens I will be back at MFP. Praying for you and your family to be abundantly blessed – in every way – this coming year! Q.’

  2. My bet, Q, is that you don’t expect it this month, or this spring, or this fall or next year, either. Most people don’t. I’m kind of unusual in living my entire life watching every. single. day for Him to come back. Waiting. It’s not exactly considered normal, you know…

  3. I was watching the Movie Constantine (2005) The other night because I really enjoy it-to the point-that if it is on I stop to watch. Well in the movie there is a great line that made me stop and thing of you when I head it-in regards to waiting and watching and your frustration.”Angela Dodson: I guess God has a plan for all of us. John Constantine: God’s a kid with an ant farm, lady. He’s not planning anything.”

  4. Yup. I feel Angela’s pain… because I worked FOUR HOURS on my Aquarius post, led to it by Yehovah and just leaping from resource to resource to put that sucker together, based on what He was showing/telling me… and of forty lousy views, the only thing it got was ‘that looks like it fits.’ Brian read it and said, “So… you’ve got your next day to watch?” NO!!! AND YOU MISSED THE WHOLE POINT!!!!I swear… everyone else seems to think God’s a kid with an ant farm. They don’t even BOTHER to see what I’m showing them – and I work HOURS to save them from having to look it all up! ((Which is probably WHY nobody reads it. It’s not theirs, they haven’t made it their own.)) But still…!!! :bang:

  5. Oh, I am expecting it to happen at any time. I had a dream about it a few years ago and it was so real that I can’t forget it. I long for it to happen and my disappointment is second only to yours that it wasn’t 2012. My “last days” are upon me, with more days behind me than before me, yet I believe the rapture will happen before my days come to an end. I am not as well versed in prophecy or current events as you are – I got a late start – so I appreciate all you share with us and take it to heart more than you know. Q.’

  6. I love how you collect and research and gather and compile! Seriously you are a future historian! (Now if only my students would have this kind of passion about research!)Don’t let it get to you. I blame it on this time of the year when it comes to frustration and people. Keep up the researchxox


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