´¯`•. January 22, 2007


Plagues n’ Judgments

I had wanted to wait until I got to Exodus in my TorahClass postings, but since I’ve been taking a break from them for a while, and this has been pressed on me to be posted, I thought I’d write it, anyhow.

I was reading Exodus in my TorahClass lessons a while ago, and I noticed something very interesting.  When Moses went to Pharaoh in Egypt and told him to ‘let my people go’… God gave Moses the power to bring judgment upon Egypt in the form of plagues.  Similarly, in the end times, God will tell Satan on Earth to ‘let My people go’… and will bring judgment upon the Earth  in the form of plagues.  Egypt is symbolic of sin/Earth, and Israel is symbolic of God’s chosen people.

Moses brought down on Egypt nine plagues and then the judgment of death.  The judgments were three sets of three, and the last one was always unannounced and unexpected.  Similarly, in the end times, God will bring down twenty-one judgments and then the final judgment day in which Christ will come, bringing death, and will win the final war.  The judgments will be three sets of seven, the last one of each set always unannounced and serving as an opening to the next set. 

((aNNa’S NoTe: Three is the number of unity, while seven is the number of fullness… so the Egyptian Exodus was to unite God’s people and ‘draw them out of’ Egypt… while the Revelation Judgments is to bring to fullness God’s plan.))

Now for the most interesting part.  I’d just started researching pre-wrath rapture information, and ironically, this is what I read just as I was starting to assemble my sources and really study them.  TorahClass stated that it was interesting that Israel was affected by the first three of the nine plagues ONLY… the rest they were ‘kept out of’.  So I wonder… if this pattern is a precedence for what’s predicted in Revelations, then we WOULDN’T be raptured before the Tribulation… if Israel is symbolic of God’s chosen people (re: Christ-followers), then we would be here for the first set of judgments – the seal judgments.  But then the next question is this – we can’t be the ‘sealed’ saints, because only 144,000 from each tribe will be sealed, and we aren’t Jews and number more than 144,000… so does that mean that we’re raptured or ‘taken out of’ the rest of the judgments after the trumpet judgments?

The thing is… it fits, because there is no timeline of when the Revelation judgments take place (except that it’s a 7-year period from AntiChrist to end)… so no man could measure the day or the hour… just watch the Rosh Ha’Shanahs during that time period.  Further, when I get to Part 2 of my pre-wrath posts, we’ll see that – when comparing Revelations to Matthew, the wrath of God doesn’t really begin until AFTER the Trib is in full-swing… AND the saints are taken out.  ((I’ll show you.))

Anyhow, I just found it VERY interesting that the Israelites were affected by a third of the plagues, but not the latter 2/3rds of it… and that while Christians believe they’ll be exempt from all judgments, it doesn’t fit with God’s pattern.  Just… food for thought, eh?

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  1. I read a book (Revelation The Passover key by Dan Juster) about how the plagues in Rev compare to the plagues of Egypt (and many other comparisons some you’ve already stated above), it compared Rev and Passover and I’ve never seen Rev the same since… which is a good thing IMHO. LOL

  2. which means we would possibly be here for the first seven?

  3. :yes:  :spin:  :yes:  :spin:  :yes:  :spin:  :yes:  :spin:  :yes: 

  4. I gave up pre-trib rapture quite some time ago.  I loved the idea of the secret snatch but the deeper I got into my studies, the less I could believe it.  It was part of the reason I left our old church – wanting to discuss it with the pastor, him spouting the passages that “prove” it (ironically, the same passages which made me question it) then being ignored and finally, hearing in sermon, “anyone who doesn’t believe in pre-trib is well…just stupid”.
    Preparation has been on the forefront of my thinking – and it’s only getting stronger.  And, I am preparing  :yes:

  5. Interesting.  I don’t buy into a post trib at this time.  I think further research in this area may be necessary.  Israel and “the true church” are very separate in this “time zone”.  I still think its plausable for the “true church” to be raptured out and for “Israel” to go through 1/3 of the plagues during the “time of Jacob’s” trouble. 
    I’ve also thought of the possibility of some of the judgement trumpets already being sounded already.  Irvin Baxter Jr has some interesting theories on the 7 judgement trumpets (not to be confused with the rapture trumpets of the feasts).  There is free video and mp3 on his website at http://www.endtime.com.
    I would caution you however, because he’s a post tribber and I’m not sure how much he has studied the Jewishness of the bible.  It must be taken in a whole, and not in a lump.
    I’m not convinced.  Most of the pre-tribbers don’t seem to know how to defend themselves.  I don’t think there stupid for believing it however.  I am willing to die for Jesus so I’m not scared to be here during the end.  I just think the feasts and the heavens are to guide us mostly.  Remember, we are sheep (including myself) and sheep are pretty dumb from what I understand.
    We are just blindly bumping around in a dark room.  So G-d has to give us pretty strong guidance. 


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