´¯`•. January 07, 2016

Spiritual Balance

A few days ago, I saw this chart posted on Tomer Devorah‘s site:


Now… Tomer Devorah is a *JEWISH* woman.   To the tune of “anyone who is Christian and claiming to love Israel or is ‘Messianic’ or ‘Jews for Jesus’ are freakin’ posers from Hell – wolves in sheep’s clothing, and they need to get OUT.”   It’s pretty extreme, and is kind of offensive, truth be told.  Kind of surprising (even to me!), I mostly totally agree with her… but what about the strangers who *aren’t* like that, who are pleased to dwell among them and keep Torah and worship Ha’Shem?  I don’t know, and don’t plan on asking, any time soon.  She’d be likely to call me ‘Messianic’ and throw me out with the bathwater, even though I can’t stand the Messianic movement anymore than I can stand Christianity.  But I digress.

It’s this chart that’s really got me thinking.  Christianity claims to to be something it’s not – God’s ‘new chosen’ line.  They throw things out of kilter, and are very gushy/pandering to the Jews, who were the ‘previous chosen’ line (← in their not-at-all-humble opinions).  Meanwhile, they’re claiming rights to the things that have nothing to do with them, and are SO wrong, they couldn’t be more off if they tried.  Israel was, is, and always will be God’s chosen people.  Period.  And what Christianity is has nothing to do with what scripture says is set apart by Yehovah, both by faith and obedience… neither of which Christianity actually has.  I digress, again.

But to say that the ‘gushy’ of Christianity and tugging from one side has to be weighed out by the evil done to Israel and against them by Islam?  That’s… pretty extreme, don’t you think?  At the same time, though, I can’t help but wonder if there isn’t some truth to it.  Just… thoughts.  Because the more I think about it, I can see how the two extremes kind of off-set each other, both yanking at Israel like a prize they want.

I don’t know.  But I kind of felt like it was worth putting out there… in case anyone might be interested in the theory.

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