´¯`•. April 14, 2024

Signs in the Sky

We talk about how John the Revelator might not have known how to describe the modern things he was seeing, as he didn’t understand them.  For example, the ‘mark in their hands and their heads’ turned out to be a QR code on a cellphone touchscreen… and how would he understand a cellphone?!  He simply saw people texting (in hand) or talking (at head) on the thing, and the mark on the screen.

Same thing with the ‘Locust Army’.  The ‘sound of many chariots’ has often been described by our modern pastors as John’s attempt to explain a helicopter.  If he saw one in a vision in 90AD, how on earth could he describe it, except as having iron teeth and flying, its sound that of ‘many chariots and horses’?

The past week or so, I’ve wondered about the signs in the heavens.  Because of THESE:


THIS USED TO BE RARE: Seeing rockets soar through the night sky used to be rare. Not anymore. Launch rates are skyrocketing. This year alone SpaceX has launched more than 30 times–and it’s only March. Last night in Puerto Rico, Frankie Lucena watched a Falcon 9 rocket ascend over the Carribean:

…This was actually SpaceX’s second launch of the night. The first occured at 5:52 p.m. EDT when a Falcon 9 rocket carried the Eutelsat 36D telecommunications satellite to space from NASA’s Kennedy Space Center (KSC). Then, at 9:30 p.m. EDT, another Falcon 9 carried 23 of SpaceX’s Starlink broadband satellites from Cape Canaveral Space Force Station next door to KSC. Lucena witnessed the Starlink launch.

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…These images are a sample of what, once rare, is now happening frequently in the night sky. Check the SpaceX launch schedule, and look up.

When John wrote that the ‘stars fell from the sky’… could he have been talking about seeing Starlink, and the non-stop barrage of launchings that is happening?  Or could it be that a massive solar wind is going to blast all of the satellites and junk we’ve got up there in orbit to the earth… ‘stars’ falling from the sky?  It’s food for thought, isn’t it?

Here’s another:


A RED BLOB IN THE NIGHT SKY: This is starting to happen a lot in the state of Texas. On April 10th, around 2:14 in the morning, amateur astronomer Abdur Anwar looked up from Big Bend National Park and saw a glowing red blob glide across the starry sky. “I photographed it using my Google Pixel 6a phone in night mode,” he says.

“Is this a new aurora phenomenon?” he asks.
No, it’s SpaceX.

About 90 minutes before the red blob appeared, a Falcon 9 rocket lifted off from the Cape Canaveral Space Force Station in Florida, carrying 23 Starlink satellites to low-Earth orbit (Starlink Group 6-48). After the satellites were deployed, the rocket’s second stage executed a de-orbit burn, creating the nearly-spherical red light.

It’s not the first time sky watchers have noticed this phenomenon. We are seeing 2 to 5 of them each month,” reports Stephen Hummel of the McDonald Observatory in Texas, who photographed a spectacular example last November…

Above: The launch of Starlink 6-48 ninety minutes before the red blob appeared over Texas.

… Texas is favored because, for Starlink missions launched from Florida, it’s approximately where a de-orbit burn will splash the rocket’s second stage safely into the South Atlantic. The burns happen about 90 minutes after launch–just when Anwar saw the blob…

“The moon was as red as blood… and did not give her light,” John the Revelator wrote.  But was it the actual moon he was seeing in his vision?  Or was he seeing these launching ‘blobs’ that are becoming commonplace (and never in history were, ever before)?  I’m just… thinking outside of the box, over here…

And in the sky, but unrelated and not astronomical:


VOLCANIC VORTEX RINGS: Mount Etna in Italy is doing something rare and beautiful. “It is blowing smoke rings,” reports Marcella Giulia Pace, who photographed the phenomenon on April 6th:

“A continuous jet of rings is dancing around the craters until they dissolve into the sky--a phenomenon of extreme rarity,” she says.

Mount Etna has produced vortices before, but nothing like this. In April 2024 Etna “has broken all previous records,” according to Boris Behncke of the National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology of Catania. Tourists are flocking to the mountain to witness the display.

The rapid-fire puffs are coming from a newly-opened vent, which is blowing rings of volcanic gas similar to how dolphins blow bubble rings in water.  …The gas rings are composed of 80 percent water vapor, with the remaining 20 percent mostly made of sulfur dioxide and carbon dioxide. It is the water vapor that gives the rings their white hue, making them resemble Gandalf-like smoke rings.

So two days before the Great ‘X’ Eclipse, an extremely rare phenomena starts puffing out of a volcano just 500 miles from Rome/The Vatican.  Keep in mind that in the book of Revelation, chapter 17 calls Catholicism/Rome (city of seven hills/woman on 7 mounts)/Vatican the ‘Whore’ who will be judged.  In scripture, ‘whore’ is a false religion when described prophetically in any book.  And these rings draw attention to a volcano that’s highly active and able to take out one of the ‘Babylons’ of Revelation.  Catholicism is ‘Mystery Bablyon’.

Two days later, the OTHER Babylon receives a warning.  This Babylon – found in chapter 18 – which is America, is the ‘Great Babylon’, the merchant Babylon who will be destroyed in a single day.  And irony puts the ‘X’ eclipse crossing mark right over the New Madrid Faultline, with more signs pointing to ‘bondage’ and ‘Egypt’ and ‘the world’ and ‘judgment’ than I can shake a fist at.

I think we’re seeing some seriously sobering warnings.
And all of them point at what’s coming, next, in the Bible.